Lisa Gates

Lisa Gates

Community Coordinator


Lisa Gates would say that she has been singing since she could talk. Her first solo was in her 1st-grade play “Mary Poppins”. She played the Bird Lady and Lisa remembers that she had a lovely dress. In 4th grade, she played Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz and somewhere in there she sang a lead song from “Annie”. She screwed up a line and it happened to be the queue line to bring another orphan on stage to sit with her.

Lisa Gates


Lisa was always a soprano in school and church choirs but broke protocol often so she could sing harmony. She loved the challenge of staying on key and making the notes blend. She still gets weak in the knees when she hears a tenor sing…

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In High School, Lisa loved to show off and make a room stand still just because she was singing. As she grew older the smokey bars and stages did not allow for that kind of showmanship. Lisa worked hard to earn a few dollars. She never got lucky, and she has never been in the right place at the right time but hey, she’s still alive and kicking!

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Some bands Lisa has played in (that never got famous): Southern Comfort, Bad Habits, and her favorite Flat Rabbit (yes really) all cover bands with maybe a few originals (never Lisa’s)

Lisa has been in a professional studio with each of these bands to no avail…they never got rich or famous.

Now that Lisa is older…a new twist in her musical life is that she loves to write songs. Lisa has always written songs, it’s just that they never made it to paper. That is until she found According to Lisa, Songstuff gave Lisa “wings” and confidence to be the person that had been hidden for years. You can find some of Lisa’s lyrics here, in the Songstuff music community.

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Before Songstuff 1994 – 2013: 15- 20 songs written never officially copyrighted

After Songstuff 2014 – 2013: over 100 songs written; The good ones were registered for copyright with the Library of Congress


Lisa has worked as an Administrative Assistant for over 20 years, in many different fields from retail to car rental to working for the Catholic Church and even worked virtually for two years from home. Some might find it funny, but Lisa loves the organization that work can bring. That’s why when Lisa only felt like writing sad songs, she decided to take a break from writing (on a regular basis) and help John and Songstuff with Administrative Support. Lisa takes notes at the Site Staff meetings and helps John, Mahesh and Peggy with the community Newsletter.

Encouraged by some other members here on Songstuff, Lisa did participate in the 6 weeks free certificated Online Songwriting Course offered by the Berklee School of Music.

Music Links


To collaborate with a melody maker and sell her songs for a million bucks! She can dream…right?!

Lisa does want to hone her craft as a lyricist. She wants to hear all her lyrics set to music someday.  Lisa plans to learn and grow here at Songstuff with the Marketing and Production articles and programs offered here.

Well enough about Lisa Gates! She would be the first to ask you why you are spending time reading her profile? Go see what Songstuff can offer you. Articles, forums, clubs, definitions, promotion opportunities, reaching new audiences, featured artists, poetry, technical info, reviews, blogs, newsletters, new music, new videos, tutorials and how to articles….