John Moxey
I’m a singer, songwriter, and producer with 37 years of playing experience. I started Songstuff in September 2000 with the hope of helping other musicians and helping them make more of their chances by improving understanding and encouraging community amongst musicians.

After playing in bands for years as the main singer-songwriter, musically John’s been more focused on writing and production for the last few years. The last time he played live with a band was in 2000. It was broadcast on Radio Scotland as part of the 10th birthday celebration for the Cathouse nightclub in Glasgow. Apart from that John occasionally turns up at open mic nights to perform new songs.
His main bands were Beyond The Edge in the 80s and then Needful Things in the 90s.
After years of playing other bands, John has focused on his music as a largely solo project since about 2006.
Music Links
You can hear John’s music here:
Technical Background
Trained as a recording studio engineer after school, later attending Unversity and attaining a BEng (Hons) in Electronics and Music.
Many years of experience writing software including object-oriented design (OOD), C++, C, PHP, Perl, javascript, and assembly language.
John has written many articles for Songstuff and other sites over the years on both creative and technical aspects of songwriting and audio recording and production, with the odd one about the music business itself.
He loves drawing, painting and pastels and creating artwork using his computer.
John also writes for his music blog and has done for a few years now. Not the most regular at writing blogs, but none of us is perfect!
Visit my Music Blog