Dos and Don’ts On Social Media

Dos and Don’ts On Social Media

In today’s digital age, social media marketing is crucial for artists striving to build their brand and connect with their audience. Each social media platform offers unique opportunities and challenges, making it essential for artists to employ tailored strategies and tactics for each one. From showcasing your music on YouTube to engaging with followers on Instagram and participating in conversations on X (formerly Twitter), understanding the distinct characteristics and best practices of each platform can significantly impact your success.

Dos and Don'ts on Social Media

Table of Contents

Different platforms cater to different types of content and audience behaviors. For instance, YouTube is ideal for sharing high-quality video content like music videos and behind-the-scenes footage, while Instagram excels with visually engaging posts and Stories. X is perfect for real-time updates and engaging in trending conversations, and Pinterest is a great platform for visually appealing content that inspires and informs.

Using a one-size-fits-all approach can lead to missed opportunities and disappointing results. Effective social media marketing requires a nuanced strategy that takes into account the strengths of each platform and the audience preferences of each platform. For example, while Instagram might be used for daily interactions and promoting visual content, Facebook can serve as a hub for community building and event promotion.

Moreover, these strategies need to complement each other and work together towards broader marketing goals. An integrated approach ensures that your messaging is consistent across platforms while leveraging each platform’s unique features. When you align your tactics—such as using YouTube for deep engagement, Instagram for daily interaction, and Pinterest for inspiration—you create a cohesive brand presence that resonates with your audience at each point your audience encounters your brand and messaging (aka touchpoints).

Ultimately, a well-rounded social media strategy helps you maximize your reach, engage effectively with your audience, and build a stronger, more interconnected brand. Artists need to do this to connect with their audience effectively and ensure that their efforts are not squandered and any gains that they have made. They want to be building their fanbase and making all their hard work count.

Platform-Specific Strategies

Navigating the unique requirements of each social media platform can be challenging, but understanding these can help you build a strong presence and engage effectively with your audience. Here’s a detailed guide to dos and don’ts for key platforms, including an in-depth look at YouTube and we highlight how Songstuff can support you in each area.

List Of Dos and Don’ts On Social Media



  1. Create High-Quality Content:
    • Example: Invest in good lighting and audio equipment for your videos. A well-produced music video or behind-the-scenes footage will keep viewers engaged and more likely to subscribe.
    • Tip: Regularly update your channel with content that adds value, such as tutorials, live sessions, or personal vlogs.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Songstuff music community members get access to tips about creating professional content and optimizing videos for better performance. Additionally, the community members pool their knowledge and experience which helps to move everyone forward.
  2. Optimize Your Videos:
    • Example: Use keyword-rich titles and descriptions. For instance, instead of just “New Song,” use “New Song Release – [Song Title] – [Genre] – [Artist Name].”
    • Tip: Add relevant tags and create eye-catching thumbnails to increase click-through rates. Custom thumbnails with text overlays can make your video stand out in search results.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Our community provides resources and expert advice on SEO best practices for YouTube. Learn how to effectively use keywords and tags to enhance your video visibility.
  3. Engage with Your Audience:
    • Example: Respond to comments on your videos and engage in discussions. Ask questions or encourage viewers to share their thoughts.
    • Tip: Host live Q&A sessions or live streams where you interact with your audience in real time, which can boost engagement and build community.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Join our music community to get feedback and ideas on engaging with your audience. Participate in discussions to refine your interaction strategies.
  4. Leverage Playlists:
    • Example: Create playlists that group similar content together, like “Best of [Artist Name]” or “Behind the Scenes of [Album Title].”
    • Tip: Playlists not only help with discoverability but also keep viewers on your channel longer by automatically playing related content.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Our article library cover strategies for using playlists to maximize viewer retention and discoverability. Gain insights into effective playlist curation and promotion. (Look out for upcoming community courses)
  5. Promote Consistency:
    • Example: Post content on a regular schedule, whether weekly or bi-weekly, to keep your audience engaged and expecting new content.
    • Tip: Use YouTube’s scheduling feature to plan your uploads and maintain a consistent presence.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Use our community’s tools and resources to plan and schedule your content. Stay organized and consistent with our content calendar tips.


  1. Don’t Ignore Analytics:
    • Example: Avoid neglecting YouTube Analytics. Use it to track which videos perform best and understand viewer demographics.
    • Tip: Adjust your content strategy based on insights, such as video retention rates and audience engagement metrics.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Get expert guidance on interpreting analytics and making data-driven decisions in our courses. Learn how to adjust your strategy based on performance insights.
  2. Don’t Overlook SEO:
    • Example: Avoid generic titles like “My New Video.” Instead, use specific keywords that your target audience might search for.
    • Tip: Research trending keywords related to your content and include them in your video titles, descriptions, and tags.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Benefit from our SEO-focused training that teach you how to craft compelling titles and descriptions that improve your video’s searchability.
  3. Don’t Over Promote:
    • Example: Refrain from making every video a promotional piece for your music. Balance promotional content with engaging and entertaining videos.
    • Tip: Provide value to your viewers through tutorials, stories, or insights into your creative process, making them more likely to support you.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Access our training on content strategy to learn how to mix promotional content with engaging, non-promotional material effectively.
  4. Don’t Neglect Thumbnails and Titles:
    • Example: Avoid using blurry or irrelevant thumbnails. Make sure your thumbnails are clear, visually appealing, and relevant to the video content.
    • Tip: Create custom thumbnails that accurately represent the video and grab attention, and write compelling, keyword-rich titles.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Our community offers design tips and title optimization strategies in our forums, article library, and training. Learn how to create eye-catching thumbnails and effective titles.
  5. Don’t Forget to Call to Action:
    • Example: Don’t just end videos abruptly. Encourage viewers to like, comment, and subscribe, and direct them to other content or your website.
    • Tip: Include clear calls to action in your videos and video descriptions, such as “Subscribe for more content” or “Check out my latest single.”
    • How Songstuff Helps: Get advice on effective calls to action from our community and experts. Understand how to incorporate these into your videos to boost engagement.

X (formerly Twitter)


Artist/Band - Songstuff Music Community Join
  1. Engage in Real-Time Conversations:
    • Example: Participate in trending topics or conversations relevant to your genre. If there’s a trending hashtag related to music, join the discussion.
    • Tip: Use Twitter polls to engage your audience and gather feedback on what content they’d like to see next.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Our community provides strategies for real-time engagement and using trending topics. Share ideas and get advice from fellow musicians and industry professionals.
  2. Use Hashtags Wisely:
    • Example: Use popular and relevant hashtags like #NewMusicFriday or #IndieArtist to increase the reach of your tweets.
    • Tip: Limit the number of hashtags to 2-3 per tweet to avoid looking spammy.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Learn best practices for hashtag use in our training. Discover how to research and select effective hashtags to increase your tweet’s reach.
  3. Tweet Regularly:
    • Example: Post updates, teasers, and behind-the-scenes content regularly to keep your followers engaged.
    • Tip: Use a content calendar to plan and schedule your tweets for consistency.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Our content planning tools and advice help you maintain a consistent tweeting schedule. Get tips on creating engaging tweets and scheduling posts effectively.


  1. Don’t Spam:
    • Example: Avoid posting the same content repeatedly. Vary your tweets to keep your feed interesting and engaging.
    • Tip: Mix promotional content with personal updates, retweets, and interactions with other users.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Access strategies for creating diverse content in our training. Avoid spammy tactics and keep your Twitter feed engaging.
  2. Don’t Ignore Analytics:
    • Example: Don’t overlook Twitter Analytics. Monitor tweet performance to see what types of content resonate with your audience.
    • Tip: Use analytics to refine your strategy and improve engagement.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Utilize our analytics training to understand Twitter metrics and refine your content strategy for better results.



  1. Leverage Facebook Groups:
    • Example: Join or create groups related to your genre or local music scene. Engage with group members and share relevant content.
    • Tip: Use groups to gather feedback and build a community around your music.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Network with other members in our community to find or start relevant groups. Share insights and promote your music within engaged communities.
  2. Create and Promote Events:
    • Example: Set up events for album releases, live shows, or online concerts. Use Facebook Events to promote and manage these activities.
    • Tip: Regularly update your event page with new details and engage with attendees through posts and messages.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Get advice on event promotion and management from our community. Learn effective strategies for driving attendance and engagement through Facebook Events.
  3. Use Facebook Ads:
    • Example: Create targeted ads to promote your music or upcoming shows. Use detailed targeting options to reach specific demographics.
    • Tip: A/B test different ad creatives and audiences to find the most effective approach.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Benefit from our ad strategy training and special discounts on ads. Use our resources to design and optimize Facebook ads for maximum impact.


  1. Don’t Overpost:
    • Example: Avoid flooding your feed with too many posts in a short time. Space out your content to avoid overwhelming your audience.
    • Tip: Use Facebook’s scheduling tools to manage posting frequency.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Our community and training offer tips on managing posting frequency and maintaining an engaging content calendar.
  2. Don’t Ignore Engagement:
    • Example: Don’t neglect to respond to comments and messages. Engage with your audience to build a stronger connection.
    • Tip: Set aside time to interact with your followers and address their questions or feedback.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Use our community to discuss best practices for engaging with followers and get advice on managing interactions effectively.



  1. Use Stories and Reels:
    • Example: Share daily updates, behind-the-scenes content, and short, engaging videos via Stories and Reels.
    • Tip: Use interactive features like polls and questions in Stories to engage your audience.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Access tutorials on creating compelling Stories and Reels. Learn how to leverage these features to boost your visibility and engagement.
  2. Post High-Quality Visuals:
    • Example: Share visually appealing photos and videos that represent your music and brand. Invest in good design for your feed.
    • Tip: Maintain a consistent aesthetic to make your profile visually appealing.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Get design tips and resources from our community to create visually appealing content that attracts attention.
  3. Engage with Your Followers:
    • Example: Respond to comments and DMs promptly. Like and comment on posts from your followers and other artists.
    • Tip: Host Instagram Live sessions to interact with your audience in real-time.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Participate in community discussions about effective engagement strategies and get real-time feedback on your Instagram interactions.


  1. Don’t Use Too Many Hashtags:
    • Example: Avoid using more than 10-15 hashtags per post. Focus on relevant and niche hashtags.
    • Tip: Use a mix of popular and specific hashtags to reach your target audience.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Learn how to select and use hashtags effectively in our training. Understand the balance between reach and relevance.
  2. Don’t Neglect Your Bio:
    • Example: Don’t leave your bio blank or incomplete. Include a clear description, link to your music, and contact information.
    • Tip: Update your bio regularly to reflect new releases or upcoming events.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Get advice on crafting an impactful Instagram bio and maintaining it. Our community can help you optimize your profile to reflect your brand.



  1. Share Valuable Insights:
    • Example: Post updates about your music process, share tips, or offer advice related to your expertise.
    • Tip: Engage with other users’ posts and contribute valuable insights to build your presence.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Engage with our community to share and receive valuable content ideas and insights. Use feedback to enhance your Threads presence.
  2. Foster Community Interaction:
    • Example: Start conversations around music topics or trends. Encourage discussions by asking questions or sharing interesting content.
    • Tip: Use Threads to connect with influencers or collaborators in your genre.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Participate in our forums to get ideas on fostering meaningful interactions and building a community around your music.


  1. Don’t Be Overly Promotional:
    • Example: Avoid turning every post into a promotion for your music. Balance promotional content with valuable interactions.
    • Tip: Share personal stories or industry insights to build a genuine connection with your audience.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Our content strategy training help you mix promotional and non-promotional content effectively. Learn how to keep your audience engaged without overselling.
  2. Don’t Ignore Feedback:
    • Example: Don’t disregard comments or feedback from your audience. Engage with their input and adapt your content strategy accordingly.
    • Tip: Use feedback to refine your approach and improve your community interactions.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Use our community to discuss feedback and refine your content strategy based on real-time audience input.



  1. Create Engaging Pins:
    • Example: Design visually striking pins related to your music, such as album artwork, tour dates, or music videos.
    • Tip: Use high-quality images and add text overlays to make your pins stand out.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Access design tips and resources from our community to create high-quality pins that attract repins and clicks.
  2. Organize Boards Effectively:
    • Example: Create boards that group related content, such as “Music Videos,” “Behind-the-Scenes,” or “Inspiration.”
    • Tip: Regularly update your boards with new pins to keep your profile active and engaging.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Get advice on board organization and content strategy to keep your Pinterest profile engaging and well-organized.


  1. Don’t Overlook SEO:
    • Example: Avoid using vague descriptions or keywords in your pin titles and descriptions. Ensure that you include specific keywords relevant to your music or brand.
    • Tip: Research popular keywords in your niche and integrate them into your pin descriptions to improve visibility in search results.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Learn how to optimize your Pinterest content for search in our training. Get strategies for effective keyword use and improving pin visibility.
  2. Don’t Neglect Engagement:
    • Example: Don’t just pin your own content. Engage with other users by repinning their content, leaving thoughtful comments, and participating in group boards.
    • Tip: Join collaborative boards related to music and actively contribute to build your presence and reach a broader audience.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Join our community to get tips on active engagement and building connections within the Pinterest community.
  3. Don’t Use Poor-Quality Images:
    • Example: Avoid pins with blurry or low-resolution images. High-quality visuals are essential for catching users’ attention.
    • Tip: Invest time in creating well-designed pins with clear, high-resolution images and engaging graphics to attract more repins and clicks.
    • How Songstuff Helps: Join our community to get tips on images and feedback from our members about the effectiveness of the images you are using.


Mastering social media involves understanding the unique requirements and best practices for each platform. Here’s a quick recap of key strategies:

  • YouTube: Focus on high-quality content, optimization, and engagement. Use playlists, maintain consistency, and balance promotion with valuable content.
  • X (formerly Twitter): Engage in real-time conversations, use relevant hashtags, and tweet regularly. Avoid spamming and utilize analytics to refine your strategy.
  • Facebook: Leverage groups and events, use targeted ads, and post regularly. Avoid overposting and ensure you engage with your audience.
  • Instagram: Utilize Stories and Reels, post high-quality visuals, and engage with followers. Avoid excessive hashtags and maintain an updated bio.
  • Threads: Share valuable insights and foster community interaction. Avoid being overly promotional and ignore feedback.
  • Pinterest: Create engaging pins and organize boards effectively. Avoid vague SEO practices and neglecting engagement.

By following these dos and don’ts, you can enhance your social media presence and effectively connect with your audience. 

By integrating these strategies with the support of the Songstuff Music Community, you can tackle social media challenges more effectively and elevate your online presence. Whether you’re looking to enhance your YouTube channel, fine-tune your Twitter engagement, or make the most of Facebook, Instagram, Threads, or Pinterest, our resources and expert advice are here to help you succeed.

To further refine your strategy and achieve greater success, join the Songstuff Music Community today. Our resources, courses, and supportive network are here to help you turn social media challenges into opportunities for growth.

Ready to elevate your music career? Click here to join the Songstuff Music Community and start benefiting from our exclusive resources and offers. Don’t miss out—act now and take advantage of our special subscription benefits before they change!

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