Making Music

There are so many options for making music these days. In addition to all the traditional methods, the world of music technology is advancing at such a rate that it is extremely hard to keep up. Now that AI has been added to the mix, it is shaking things up. The industry is likely to progress even faster. Will it all be for the better? Who knows. There is a storm being in the realms of rights and ownership as well as an anticipated impact on careers within the music industry. If nothing else, the ability to pivot is essential to survival in the modern music industry.

Here, we try to make some sort of sense of the madness.

We aim to give modern music makers, songwriters, artists and music producers what they need to progress their career in music, as well as some fun with like minded people along the way! If you are making music, being well armed with knowledge is one of your main assets. Knowledge helps you to progress without absolute dependence on others, and that is a huge advantage.

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Making Music

Table of Contents

Resources For Making Music

Spending the day at home Songwriting


Songwriting.The craft of writing songs. Songwriters, lyricists, composers, beatmakers and modern day music producers are all involved in the creation of songs and music. Understanding your craft is a lot better than fumbling around in the dark. Reinventing the wheel just wastes your time. Get informed! The combination of lyric writing and music composition. A song is so much more than adding lyrics to music, or the other way around. It’s one of those scenarios that is the definition of the phrase “The whole is greater than the sum of the parts”.

Vocals - Girl Singing


Vocals are the go-to front piece of a modern band and the essential part of the standalone artist. Stating the obvious, the voice is one of the main instruments in modern music. Hardly surprising. It has a very special role. Uniquely amongst all instruments it has the sole responsibility of actually embodying the song. It is the only musical part to represent both aspects of a song, both melody AND words, within the same instrument.

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Musical Instruments

Musical Instruments

Songstuff provides information about a number of musical instruments. Each area is a hub dedicated to a specific musical instrument. Guitar, Bass drums and more.

Recording and Music Production

Recording and Music Production

Music technology is the essential thread in recording and music production, running through modern studios, keyboards, synths, samplers and FX. It's a constantly evolving world. DAWs, VST and VSTi, and now the new kid on the block, AI. Don't just learn the latest buzzwords. Understand what they mean, and importantly, what they mean to you. Learn how to use them to your advantage and how to gain time and position by using them effectively.

Music Business

Music Business

The music business is known for being hard to safely navigate. A cut-throat world full of sharks looking for the unwary to exploit until they are bled dry. It’s a world of business. The truth is, you need to be well armed with knowledge if you hope to protect your interests. Arm yourself with what you need to know from the world of music contracts through copyright to understanding the traditional world of Performing Rights Organizations, royalties and fees.

Independent Music

Independent Music

Understanding the world of independent music is vital to being a working part of it. Here we present a hub page for bands and artists in the independent music scene. This page pulls together a number of resources and highlights independent music artists.

Music Business

Music Community

Our Music Community has been around for 20 years+, helping independent songwriters to create songs and helping independent artists to record and produce their versions of those songs.

During that time we've helped almost 25,000 members to create and distribute their music. Considering our topics can be read by 10x to 100x non-members for every member that reads it, that's a lot of people helped with making music!

Songstuff Media Player

If you would like to listen to some awesome indie music while you browse, just open our media player. It opens in another window (or tab) so your playlist can play uninterrupted as you browse.

Open the Songstuff Media Player.

Playlists are curated by SsUK for the Independent Music Stage and Songstuff.