Featured Artists

Featured Artists

On this page we feature a collection of songwriters and musicians that take part in the Songstuff Music Community. Support independent artists and songwriters, click through and have a listen to their music. You might just fall in love with their music and become a fan of the band!


Below are listed just a few of the many brilliant artists that are members of Songstuff. The Featured Artists Playlist (Pictured above and found in the Songstuff Media Player linked to at the bottom of the page and in the embedded YouTube video) is a collection of independent artists that caught our ear, and our attention. The playlists is available in slightly different forms on our YouTube channel (embedded below the list of featured artists) and on Spotify and Soundcloud. Listen on whatever platform if your preference.

If you like what you hear, please drop by our music community and let us know there, exactly what artists on the list you like and what you like about them. Also. if you have music released on Spotify, YouTube or Soundcloud, and think that you deserve being featured, then please tell us! You can also propose your music to be showcased on Songstuff, but we’ll let you discover that by exploring our forums!

Songstuff Featured Artists

Heroes - New Single

Jigsaw Sequence

Past Featured Artists

Emily Quinn
Emily Quinn
Simon Darveau
Simon Darveau
Mahesh Raghunandan
Mahesh Raghunandan
Lauren O'Connell
Lauren O'Connell
Geraint Luff
Geraint Luff
Danny Rains
Danny Rains
Thomas McCallum
Thomas McCallum

Songstuff Featured Artists Playlist On YouTube

Songstuff Music Community
Join the Songstuff Music Community and take your music to the next level! Get invaluable advice, and awesome resources, and connect with like-minded creators. Whether you’re an artist, songwriter, music producer, or singer, we’re here to help you grow, collaborate, and succeed. Your music journey starts here—join us now!
Songstuff Music Community
Join the Songstuff Music Community and take your music to the next level! Get invaluable advice, and awesome resources, and connect with like-minded creators. Whether you’re an artist, songwriter, music producer, or singer, we’re here to help you grow, collaborate, and succeed. Your music journey starts here—join us now!

Songstuff Media Player

If you would like to listen to some awesome indie music while you browse, just open our media player. It opens in another window (or tab) so your playlist can play uninterrupted as you browse.

Open the Songstuff Media Player.

Playlists are curated by SsUK for the Independent Music Stage and Songstuff.