

Many people have contributed to this website and we are thankful to them all for their hard work. Over the many years of contribution we are bound to have missed one or two. Please don’t think your contribution was not appreciated. If you happen to be one of those people, please contact us and we will add your name to the list so that visitors can appreciate your hard work on their behalf, and so that we can belatedly, grovelingly, offer our appreciation.

Beyond John Moxey (john) there are a load of people to thank, especially regular staff members Mahesh (Mahesh) Raghunandan and Peggy Smart Barnes (Peggy).


Table of Contents

Content Contributors

Cheryl Hodge, vocal coach extraordinaire.

Artist/Band - Songstuff Music Community Join

Didier (Didier) for some early Songstuff articles.

Greg Barnett (GregB), thanks for your brilliant promotional videos and ongoing content contributions and suggestions!

John Nightwolf (Nightwolf), thank you for your articles on bass playing!

Mahesh Raghunandan (Mahesh), many thanks for your time spent in articles, graphics and newsletters.

Nigel Lawry (Nigel Lawry), thank you for your music industry interviews

Pahchisme Plaid thank you for member interviews!

Rudi Samborski (Rudi), thank you for your great guitar tutorials!

Steve Perrett (Steve), thank you for your many contributions from tutorials to interviews.

Steve Mueske (Steve Mueske) for a number of well crafted, detailed product reviews.

Time Contributors

Behind the scenes staff, admins, moderators…

Alistair McIntosh (Alistair) a site moderator for years. Many thanks!

Amanda (Hope4Peace) for the early days ideas, community support and moderation.

Jan Hutchinson (Janeva) a site moderator and promoter for years. Many thanks!

John Nightwolf (Nightwolf), thank you for your years as a community moderator! 

Artist/Band - Songstuff Music Community Join

Lisa Gates (Lisa Gates), many thanks for your time spent in many areas from moderation to admin tasks!

Mahesh Raghunandan (Mahesh), many thanks for your time spent in moderation, design, admin, marketing and promotion.

Peggy Smart Barnes (Peggy), many thanks for all the time you spent on moderation, promotion and countless meetings!

Richard Tracey (Richard Tracey), many thanks for helping as a moderator and site promoter!

Steve Perrett (Steve), thank you for your many hours as a moderator.

Technical Contributors

Above all, Finn Arild Finn Arild who helped manage our servers and community for many years!

Mahesh Raghunandan (Mahesh), for your help with testing and admin.

Idea Contributors

Didier (Didier) for some great discussions and ideas around monetising Songstuff and long term financing of the site.

Greg Barnett (GregB), thanks for your ongoing contribution of ideas!

Mahesh Raghunandan (Mahesh), many thanks for being awesome.

Peggy Smart Barnes (Peggy), many thanks for patience and diligence!

Tim (Starise) for some interesting discussions and ideas.

VoiceX, an engma wrapped in a mystery! Thank you for your many ideas and interesting discussions!

Songstuff Music Community
Join the Songstuff Music Community and take your music to the next level! Get invaluable advice, and awesome resources, and connect with like-minded creators. Whether you’re an artist, songwriter, music producer, or singer, we’re here to help you grow, collaborate, and succeed. Your music journey starts here—join us now!
Songstuff Music Community
Join the Songstuff Music Community and take your music to the next level! Get invaluable advice, and awesome resources, and connect with like-minded creators. Whether you’re an artist, songwriter, music producer, or singer, we’re here to help you grow, collaborate, and succeed. Your music journey starts here—join us now!

Songstuff Media Player

If you would like to listen to some awesome indie music while you browse, just open our media player. It opens in another window (or tab) so your playlist can play uninterrupted as you browse.

Open the Songstuff Media Player.

Playlists are curated by SSUK for the Independent Music Stage and Songstuff.