Article Submission Guidelines
If you are submitting an article to Songstuff for publication, please follow these article submission guidelines.
By submitting material to Songstuff you give your permission to Songstuff for publication of your material. A draft of the required permission is included below.
We do not promise to publish all material received.

Table of Contents
Copyright Text
Any copyright statement for inclusion with your work.
If your article uses any images, please include these images with your article submission.
- Images should be jpg, gif or png formats.
- Images should have a title/caption.
- Please include copyright/credit byline if necessary.
Please ensure that you have permission to use submitted images, and that permission can be assigned to Songstuff (covered by your Copyright License)
Images should be sent by email as separate files, whether they are embedded in the article or not, with a clear indication of where they belong within the article.
If your article uses any audio files, please include the audio files with your article submission.
- Audio should be in mp3 format.
- Please include copyright/credit byline if necessary.
Please ensure that you have permission to use submitted audio, and that permission can be assigned to Songstuff (covered by your Copyright License)
Audio files should be sent by email as separate files with a clear indication of where they belong within the article.
An press release is a creative work, and as such we are required to have permission from the copyright holder to use the article, and any restrictions that apply to those permissions. As the author the copyright owner would normally be you.
We have to have permission from the copyright holder to publish your article.
By submission, you agree that you have the authority to grant these rights to Songstuff.
By submitting an article you give permission to Songstuff to license and redistribute submitted data, excluding “personal information,” to partners, affiliates and clients.
Please do not submit copyrighted material unless you possess the copyright. In addition, Songstuff will not be held responsible for abusive use (by others) of the material you submit.
Please note: Material accepted for publication will be edited for publication on Songstuff. We produce abridged versions of original articles in order to promote them across our site and those of our partners, clients and affiliates.
Please note: You and / or anyone giving you permission to use the materials will retain all rights, title, and interest in the submitted materials not granted herein to Songstuff under copyright law, unless specified otherwise.